Inspired by philosophers, Luis grew a heavy interest in living a life that is equally present in our existence. Luis has been fascinated by life's questions:
1.) Am I living truthfully to my destiny?
2.) Am I connecting with others on a deeper level?
3.) Do I have the courage to pursue my ambitions?
4.) Can I maintain a rational perspective despite what others say about my goals?
5.) Can I love authentically and, can I be vulnerable?
Through his writings, Luis engages the reader to view life as a historical timeline. By tracing our timeline, we can make logical choices on what worked and didn't work in our lives. According to Luis, our dogmatic principles of behaviorism only set up a gimmick on how we should live our life. It is then he presents us with a new illumination; existentialism for daily living. As Luis said, “Growth is a continuous process. It is never found in numerical steps but rather, through the cultivation of our wholeness. The personhood becomes whole. It finds itself in the journey.”
Recently, he was selected as the Best Local Author in the San Antonio Current Best of San Antonio 2018, as chosen by the readers. When asked what this title means to him, he responded, “It’s more than a status. It’s a responsibility to show my city the principles of leadership, personal growth, and connection. And as such, I have leveraged my title to position myself to bring new beauty and growth, starting with NISD. I have a few bullying campaigns that strive for good behavior. One of the projects I started is: Keep The Magic in Your Heart. This promotes an opportunity for children to recognize their conduct. It helps them to realize that every person, regardless of their stature or prestige, should be treated in a manner that benefits the welfare of every citizen. The project teaches children to keep their hearts open with love, humility, and vulnerability. Also, I am working with the San Antonio Public Library to educate others on mental health. Lastly, I am involved with a few non-profits such as Ride for Reading and To Write Love on Her Arms. Ride for Reading promotes healthy living and literacy in low-income neighborhoods. To Write Love on Her Arms is a movement dedicated to foster hope and meaning for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide.”
With his continuous efforts to bring more change to our city, Luis has come up with a concept to align personal growth and beauty. The concept is Two Equals One. To Luis, beauty is more than outer appearance. Beauty, in his eyes, is when an individual seeks worthy investments that promise a unity where others flourish beautifully. According to Luis, “Beauty must meet the soul. When it does, it takes a flight to a new form of meaning.”
Nevertheless, Luis has been able to merge personal growth and beauty. For his book signing, he decided to bring S.A.N (Sandy, Amber, and Natalia) to educate people about the importance of feeling empowered. Whether it is through jewelry, fashion, cosmetics, or nourishing a new positive habit, Luis believes that personal growth must marry the world of beauty. In his view, beauty is whatever the person makes of it. Aside from that, he decided to bring a special guest. Her name is Soléil Guckian. Recently, she was named Pure International Teen Miss America. Soléil is an all-around individual. From cheerleading, serving the community, serving her church, and empowering others to live purposefully. Her contribution to the city of San Antonio includes caring for the homeless and hungry and encouraging children who are living with a disability or illness to find new meaning in life. With her sincere personality, Soléil is able to connect with every person she encounters.
To catch this unique experience with Luis, S.A.N (Sandy, Amber, and Natalia) and Soléil, make sure to come by on Saturday, September 22nd, 2018 at Half Price Books from 1-3 pm located on 11255 Huebner Road, San Antonio, TX 78230
To learn more about Luis E. Cavazos, visit his Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/LuisECavazos.Motivation