Art has no limits and neither does Giovanna DiZurita. I’ve had the privilege of interviewing her twice, once in February and again in July. In those few months, the growth of this young woman astounded me, professionally, artistically and personally. So much changed.
When we spoke last winter, I was struck, of course, by her intelligence, creativity and ambition. But something changed between visits. For one thing, she was more sophisticated—in a global sense—but something else had transformed, as well.
Last winter, she had accomplished her five-year goals: her own studio and gallery, a diverse line of products based on her artwork, a win in the SA Currentas ‘Art Gallery of the Year’ and the ability to make a living from her art. She was looking ahead to determine the next set of goals.
In general, her accomplishments were amazing, but local. She had a partnership with the San Antonio Zoo as their official artist to paint the animals and sell the pieces, with a portion of the proceeds donated to the zoo. She had an exhibition in the zoo and another in the Univision building. Yes, she had some buyers around the country and a few abroad, but, in general, the heart of Gio’s business beat in Texas.
Five months later? Freshly returned from a life-changing trip to Paris where she’d immersed herself in the greatest artists from history, her work had moved in two directions at once. On the one hand, she dug more deeply into her own psyche and, on the other, she had reached across the globe.
“I don’t want to be an artist just in San Antonio or Texas,” she told me. “I want to be a renowned artist across the globe and carry the pride of my city with me and with my art. I want the world to know how much talent comes from San Antonio.”
And how will she do this? Continue reading her fascinating story in our current issue: